kudamulakku fully in Tamitar Marabu & language will be in Tamil
Temple will be known as 1st Sithambaranft Temple in South East Asia
Temple will be in Perak Tourism & as well in Malaysia Tourism Board
Temple will be turn to community building centre
The Temple will provide Free Food (A nnadhanam) daily from 10:00AM— 08:00PM
Dialysis Services for devotees

Religious classes

We believe in providing FREE religious classes to the younger generation. To entice the parents to send their children to these classes the temple will provide transportation, meals, and worksheets, all free of charge.

Premarital and Parenting Courses

We plan to introduce premarital courses and parenting courses for any engaged couple or planning to be engaged, who want to give their marriage the best possible start. These sessions were designed to help couples discover and develop strong foundations for a lasting marriage.

As for the parenting courses, we have developed courses designed to help families cope with the multiple demands of work and raising a family. Through these courses, you will have the opportunity to learn the skills and techniques needed to balance family and work, and time management, as well as gain valuable parenting knowledge and skills to make you a better parent.

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the course.

Teaching of Tamilar History, Culture and Literature

We plan to conduct daily teaching of Tamilar History, Culture and Literature to create awareness among Tamilar.

We will promote all Tamilar traditions, be they current or forgotten traditions, such as: –

  • Barathanathiyam
  • Pallangguli
  • Kabadi
  • Silambam
  • Karakaattam
  • Oyilaattam
  • Poikaal Kuthirai
  • Mayilaattam

By introducing these activities, we hope the younger generation continues to preserve our heritage and traditions.

Providing rental space in our temple hall

The temple will provide the hall at a minimum charge for Hindu-related activities such as follows: –

  • Motivational activities
  • Team building for the youngster
  • Tuition Classes for all levels
  • Kindergarten to Hindu Base
  • Home Business classes for women
  • Free for all Saiva Samayam-related functions only (Tamilar Marabu)

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